Book Note • December 25, 2024
Cover of Brave New World

Brave New World

By Aldous Huxley

Published by Random House, 2008

ISBN: 140702101X 9781407021010

Status: Read

Brave new world is a deconstruction of the fallacies of utopia. The quintessential essence of utopia is the giving up of the right to be unhappy. A right which makes happiness seem unworthy without its contrast. The people of Huxley’s Brave New World are chemically conceived and conditioned for certain societal roles. Everyone is given a drug with no negative side effects. The sacrifices which are made to achieve this society are the sciences, arts, passion and the truth of the world. Because those things would contradict the achievement of a utopia. It makes one think of what an optimal human experience is. Is suffering an essential part of the human experience? It makes me think that a world without suffering would be one that’s not worth living. Suffering is the cause of beauty.