I finished dune Messiah. It was such a different book than the first. Where I felt the first was mostly around the world building, throwing new terms and factions at you, this book was more about the themes of the series. It focuses around the Atriedes family several years after Paul has become Emperor. His fiefdom has become a religious jihad which he has little influence or control over. His reputation precedes him to his detriment. I felt this book Herbet definitely explores cool concepts philosophically and he creates imagery of the psychotelepathic abilities that the Atriedes family has in such an awe striking way. Knowing that the further reviews say that there’s more philosophical themes in the later books, I’m very excited to continue. I can see why the series is so gripping. One interesting question this brings up: are people doomed to act within their nature? Is there more to the sum of moving parts? Where there’s a world with superhuman statistical prediction, how can the futures be changed or even set in stone?
Book Note • August 12, 2024
Dune Messiah
By Frank Herbert
Published by Penguin, 2020
ISBN: 0593201736 9780593201732
Status: unread